Herakles: a new oratorio by Tim Benjamin
Associated with the project is a new Hercules-themed musical drama, Herakles, to be premiered by Todmorden Choral Society, West Yorkshire, from the composer Tim Benjamin. The work is currently in the final stages of development and has taken Dio Chrysostom's version of the "Choice of Hercules", with the choice between Kingship and Tyranny, as it's starting point. Herakles is to be premiered on 30 April 2017 at Todmorden Town Hall, by the choir and members of Todmorden Orchestra, alongside a number of professional soloists.
Resources developed for, or associated with the musical drama can be found on the Musical Drama page or in the Resources area, under Performance.
A recorded interview with Tim Benjamin discussing the compositional process, musical influences and meaning is available here.
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